
Archive for December, 2012

So here we are at the end of the year and the end of our FMQ challenge. I am so very grateful to SewcalGal and all our amazing teachers for the opportunity to learn and to have fun with others during this year.

I feel that I have learned a lot  and tried to do things that I never would have thought of on my own. Feathers seemed a mystery to me at the beginning of the year, not to speak of elaborate borders. Now I am quite comfortable to go and apply these skills and keep on learning.

January: Leaves and hearts taught by Frances Moore.


A fun project colored with crayon. Looking back they seem a bit jerky, but I was soo pleased to learn to make them!

My difficulty always lies in finding my way from one leaf to the next. Later I learned to avoid this problem by adding loops in between and I still do that.



These hanging pockets hold all my sewing items and save space in my corner.


I later quilted two quilts with a combination of over sized hearts and loops. They are versatile, happy, playful and easy to execute.


Heats everywhere! A Valentine’s tote.

February: Feathers , taught by Diane Gaudynski  These both intrigued and frightened me. we had excellent tutorials and I really, really enjoyed learning to make feathers!


This was one of my first tries.


It looked better painted. Yes, I see a theme emerging here, I color or paint everything when I have time.


They just kept growing! This turned into a couple little bags.


Somehow feathers came easy for me. They just made sense, so I couldn’t stop!


I still use this bag often!


Yes, I had time and I had fun!! I decorated this with beads , paints and glitter.

March: Learning to combine different background designs , taught by Ann Fahl


Quilted first and painted after, leaves, butterflies and flowers.


A wallet and a phone case with many different designs. This was very entertaining to do and I liked the square spirals the best!


Free style.

April: using stencils, taught by Don Linn. We learned a very useful technique on how to use stencils in different sizes.


We transferred the design using mesh or similar see through fabric. First we traced it with a sharie and then transferred it with washable fabric pens.


I sewed mine with a variegated thread.

May:Let me preface this by saying that my holidays were officially over at this point. I had had a slow semester teaching and then we had summer holidays, from here on out my time became much more limited and I had less time to fool around. In May Leah Day taught us how to do foundation designs. May also saw the arrival of our new puppies!


The train track is made by first making the wiggly line and then going back over it sewing the tracks. Obviously the trick is even spacing to begin with and then adjusting the tracks to fill out the fabric as evenly as possible. I had fun with it, though it proved a bit more difficult then I expected.


Same idea, different design. This became our puppies first padded bed, which they didn’t like, so it became their sleeping corner.


Bandit looking very innocent! Don't believe him!

Bandit looking very innocent! Don’t believe him!

“Who, me??? Sleep there?? Why ever, when I can sleep like this!”


“This is more my idea of a good sleeping place. A six foot giant at my command.”

Anyway, that was May!

In June, we learned to divide and conquer by using  different styles together.Cindy Needham gave us wonderful instructions.


My acre of diamonds.


My checker board.


And my beaded feather,


Together it made a very interesting tapestry.

July,was taught by Angela Walters.


We learned to make tiles by sectioning off squares and filling them separsdc11065I only managed to make this one piece due to time constraints and the fact that I really had a hard time making straight lines in free motion.

In August we learned to make Jester hats taught by  Wendy Sheppard


I am not very good at these and hope to practice them some more this coming year. But I do like my coffee mug!


I absolutely love Wendy’s work as she combines happy applique with outstanding quilting. I put all the teachers on her as live links so anyone can go check up on them. They are outstanding and talented and I hope to learn much more in time to come from them!

September:  Paula Reid taught us to fluff and stuff our quilts so we can easily manage big quilts on domestic machines. I appreciate her advice as my usual sewing corner is just that, a tine corner next to a cupboard. Now when I have a big quilt to do, I move the whole operation to the living room and set up chairs to distribute the quilt’s weight. It’s well worth the trouble and I am not afraid of big quilts anymore!

This is fuzzy but you can see my set up.

I really don’t know why I look so serious, ha!  Then again, I quilted this whole quilt in one  day, maybe it was a bit much!

October: Teri Lucas taught us to use ready made stencils.


This is a beautiful wreath and I again got lost in painting and beading!


What can I say, I like to have fun!


November: Sarah Vedeler encouraged us to make spirals.

I made a whole quilt in spirals and love the effect. Bandit liked it too!

December was a surprise for me. I did not expect to learn borders, simply because I couldn’t imagine the potential of them. Patsy Thompson gave us a fabulous tutorial, her love for quilting shows so well and I really admire her as a person and as an artist.

I struggled for time, but in the end I got it done with some lay time thrown in.

Once again, out came the paints! If someone had told me at the beginning of the year that I would do thi.s, I would have just fainted or laughed, I am not sure which.

I am so pleased with all that I learned this year! A great big THANK YOU to SewcalGal and all our teachers!!

I am hoping to do all the Bonus tutorials this coming year. I also have a list of skills I still want to learn and a list of projects I’d like to attempt. I definitely won’t get bored!


See you soon,


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How about some color?

Yes, I couldn’t leave it white, but I am not sorry.


What do you think?


Bandit and Bailey are trying to decide if they like it.


They decided it was suitable to camp on for a while. I actually had to pull it out from under them to keep taking pics.


I painted it early yesterday morning  while all the kids were still sleeping. I so love to sit in the garden and just have fun like this, it’s so peaceful!


The color looks very different depending on the light. the white parts actually have something on them too.


It’s pearly white fabric paint. So that was yesterday morning and then in the evening I made it into a pillowcase about 19 inches square. As you may guess there are a few other things I have to do in a day. Yesterday I took Alyssa cloths shopping to the market, then weekly food shopping, then a dentist appointment for my son. It’s cute that when the big kids come home, they like for me to go with them and take care of medical and dental stuff. So I went with my 29 year old to the dentist as he trusts my judgement on things. After that he invited me for lunch and we talked a while. It’s absolutely fantastic to have grown up children, I feel like I get to live 12 lives instead of one! For dinner my visiting daughter cooked us some delicious steamed snapper, served in a ginger, rice wine and soysauce. It was amazing. The younger kids weren’t too impressed, but I loved it!


I rather like it! December challenge turned out to be very fun.Now I have to think of who would like a pillow like this, so I can give it away and make room for more. While taking this picture Bailey came along and walked over it, of course!


Can you see her muddy paw prints? Now I will have to wash it first. Oh well, all in a days work. I also made her a mini quilt or pad to sleep on in her cage  and she slept on that just fine last night. No pic, sorry!

And my oldest son really liked my yellow/orange batik quilt, so it went home with him to Vietnam. I am very pleased cause he does appreciate hand made things and will use it.



It’s still one of my favorite quilts! I am happy it has a good home and will be loved.

Ok, I have to go over to SewcalGal’s page, I forgot to link up for this month’s challenge and I have to find out how to link for the Grand draw. then hopefully I come back here and compile this year’s work.

See you soon,


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Well well, I have not been on here since the beginning of the month. I have a lot of good excuses, of course.

I aaaalways have a lot of good excuses, ha!

There is this. Isn’t it pretty? It’s on the way to the Philippines looking down on the little puffy clouds.I was away for a week and it was a very , very busy week running around for some papers, driving twice to some really far away school out in the boonies.

Ok, it’ not out in the boonies, but when you travel five hours one way through dusty country side it sure feels that way. And we had to get back home at night on a good stretch of highway without any street lights!! Wow! The good news is that I am now enrolled to study for a degree and have books to keep me company! Yes, yes, I have lots of books anyway, but now I have some that  only understand half of, so this will get interesting! I am actually very pleased cause I had to sit through  a panel interview to sort out my past working experience and I got the highest points possible. Anyway, I was so busy and the camera battery died, so I have no photos to show you from that week.

I got back here and needed a whole week to get back in gear. I don’t know why, between being exhausted, excited and  having more then enough on my plate I really  took a long time to find my bearings and get going at home. But Christmas was just around the corner and I bought a new tree, and the fun began.

I made some little gifts.

A tiny coin purse for Amaris. I may have gone too far with her wild hair, but I really like this little girl.

A small bag for Rose to hold a few of her many things.

Pencil cases for the boys. Actually we exchanged small amounts of cash this year, but I wanted them to have a little hand made thing from me. I made  these with leather letters fused to linen. The funny part was that they didn’t realize that it was hand made at first, ha! One of them finally caught on. I made seven of these with each their own letter, six for my boys and one extra which  I gave to my husband.

Three matching bags for Esther. She wanted a gift, not money, so two big bottles of her favorite shampoo went hiding in these bags. Some things you can’t find in Vietnam where she lives and her favorite shampoo is one of those things. A girl can always use some bags and these fit into each other. The pattern is here http://www.noodle-head.com/2012/06/open-wide-zippered-pouch-diy-tutorial.html  in case you want to make some. the pencil case pattern is from noodlehead too. I used some fat quarters from Moda’s Twirl line.


The little bag was a cutting mistake, but I really couldn’t waste this pretty print, so we now have four bags. I want to make more of these, the fact that the bottom is a different color adds so much to these simple bags! I want a set for myself and another for a friend of mine, but these are going with Esther.

So we had a fun Christmas together with lot of talking and laughing, we were 17 people by the time we had dinner on the table. We also ran out of gas half way through cooking with four dishes on the stove. Never a dull moment! I was really very happy when the guy arrived with a new bottle! It is not a sure thing that we can get gas in the evening, often they’ll just show up bright and early next morning. That would have been pretty bad!!

As it is we had mashed potatoes with meatballs in gravy, pasta carbonara with more butter and cream then I have ever seen because my son cooked it, pork chops, sausages,, French fries and a salad. For dessert we had a fruit cake, oreo cheese cake made by my friend and cookies. Honestly,half of the desserts are still in the fridge, as even six big guys couldn’t eat all that!!

Back to quilting. Today two of my big kids headed out, one back to school and one to the airport, so I took the time to finish our December challenge from SewcalGal”s FMQ by Patsy Thompson. Here it is:


I really enjoyed this challenge. Part of the difficulty this month was really to find the time to do it. The first row went pretty smooth, being the wiggly line. (I put the extra feathers in later as I had made my center six inches square.) The spirals I had fun with. Not all are perfect but they are always fun. The double wiggle threw me for a loop, there is no way I can get them even! No way.

The teardrop loops went ok, though not very even either, they will need a bit more practice. The funny thing is, it doesn’t matter, when the piece was done, I really felt good about it and the interplay between the borders just looks pretty fancy and sophisticated. I am amazed and very pleased.


I am actually showing you the back of the quilt as the front is still full of blue markings. I put a heart in the middle and did a micro stipple around it. I worked with two brown shiny polyester threads. I cannot tell you anything else about them because there was no brand or weight written on them, not even before the puppies got a hold of them, ha! I do like that it adds a little bit of color.


Which brings me to the next question: do I really leave a white cloth white?? Part of me thinks that this should be the point of whole cloth quilting and the other half says hmmm, wouldn’t it be prettier with more color. I will tell you the answer when I have one. It’s a good thing that there are two sides to a quit, you can always color one and leave the other white!

I am really, really happy with all the quilting I learned to do this year. I would never have imagined me doing a piece like this!

I have to go now as I still have visitors at home.

I hope to be back real soon with some Christmas pictures too, if I can figure out how to get them of my daughters Facebook page!

Have a wonderful Christmas time and a Happy New Year!


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Well it is already December where I live but in the States it is still November, so I am claiming that! In the middle of a rather busy week getting ready for my upcoming trip I had the wonderful idea to make a new quilt to bring to my daughter as a Christmas present. You know, just one more thing to do. I had made such good progress getting my paperwork together on Tuesday thast I felt it might be possible.

Do you remember this top?




It’s big! I did trim the border by an inch and a half at the end but it’s still plenty big enough to cover a king size bed.

And you see my little happy helper. Bandit is looking out the gate trying to understand what I am doing.

So here I have to set up chairs in the living room to be able to move the quilt around easily. It’s well worth the trouble to drag the machine, the table and two chairs into the living room. It’s quite a production, but it works and makes it soo much easier to move the quilt around.











Ready to go. It is sitting in a bag right now together with my other luggage. Tuesday I am flying to the Philippines and I am writing this post in the computer room at the school in Bangkok. I am very happy to get a nice holiday in the Philippines, I will tank up on Christmas atmosphere there. They are very interested in decorating their houses better then their neighbors and the malls do the same. It will be a nice change from Buddist Thailand for a week. Mostly I want to see my daughter! I am also going there because I am hoping to have an interview to continue my studies. If things work out, I will have lots to tell you next time. If not, I will have to comfort myself with good Filipino food!

I hung this in the driveway last week for fun. My son mentioned it’s a nice quilt, I was like what quilt?? The one with the little ladies on it, I like them!

 It was such a sweet comment to get and I have never thought of Sunbonnet Sue as a “little lady” myself.

Ok, I better hop over to facebook and see if I can still post this!

I hope you have a really good weekend and get to do something fun!

See you soon,




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